Saturday, September 14

The 1975 - The 1975

September has seen the release of not only Arctic Monkeys' AM, and Babyshambles' comeback record; The Sequel To The Prequel, but also the release of The 1975's self titled debut. Hailing from the same city as New Order, The Smiths and Magazine, you'd expect The 1975's critically acclaimed number one album to be at least half decent. However, that is exactly whatever it is not.
The 1975's self titled album begins with The 1975's self titled intro, a dull affair which, like any intro, lacks any sort of substance and does nothing to make listening to an album more pleasurable, or more of an experience. It's followed by The City, which is a largely uneventful song, but one of the album's strong points, however it may only seem strong because it is next to "M.O.N.E.Y". M.O.N.E.Y is undoubtedly the worst song on the album, or indeed any album released over the past year. It comes close to equaling anything George Michael in terms of being so god damn shit. The album gains a little bit of credibility with singles Sex and Chocolate as track 4 and 5, before paving way for eleven songs more of utter, unlistenable drivel that'll leave you feeling like Matt Healy owes you 50 minutes of your life. 
From track 6 to 16 it seems like there's not a track worthy of note. Each song is a non event waiting to happen and if possible I'd recommend you keep your ears away from Macnhester's latest export as possible. It leaves you underwhelmed beyond the point of recovery and will leave you questioning the countless favorable reviews. With the possible exceptions of Sex and Chocolate, I'd implore you not to listen to this album. I mean don't be fooled, even Sex and Chocolate are Simon Cowell's idea of chart topping music, even if it is brandished with the label of 'indie'. The 1975's album is one of the year's more overrated releases, and is to be avoided at all costs, no matter who recommends it.

Rating: (a generous) 2/10
Out: Now
Key Tracks: (If you must) "Chocolate"

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